March 08, 2012

BRAngerous "What we love about france" at CCCL

March 08, 2012
Great Team

hey all, after a crazy overwhelming week of preparation, it's finally done! YAY! 
What We Love about France Exhibition, 6-12 March 2012 on Institut Francais Indonesie, Surabaya

these are the masterpieces of our amazing ladies, exhibited on the spot. 
You go, girls!

All Artwork

Maria Goretti.
Narendra Dyah

Tantru Tantri

Lury Coco

Lury Coco

Citra Prameswari

Chyki Febriana

Tantru Tantri

Shelly Bertha

Iiis Yunus


Tyzha Inandia

(top) Dinar Amelia.(bottom) Nuchan

Putri Macan

Okky Puspitasari

Rizalina Jajaq

Abigail Niendy

Tia Arochmaty

Citra Prameswari

Lury Coco

Tantru Tantri

Seruni Jasmine

Maria Nala

and these are the crowd!


BRAngerous Woman Art Community & Exhibition


Mega said...

Kapan brangerous ngadain pameran lagi ?

BRAngerous said...

Hi Mega, asap BRAngerous akan pameran lagi tahun ini, pasti kami kabari. Punya email ? bisa kirim ke kita di atau masukkan email Mega di subscribe area yang letaknya di footer blog informasi bisa langsung masuk di email Mega. Nice to see you here, thx a lot dear